No win no fee

    No win No fee

    If you do not win your no win no fee claim, you owe nothing to anyone – it’s as easy as that.
    If you win your claim, your solicitor will usually take the following amounts from the compensation you receive:

    Success fee’ for prevailing on the claim.
    The other party is normally obligated to pay for your legal fees and expenses, but any shortfall may be deducted from your settlement.
    The expense of any legal protection insurance you may have required to ensure that your claim is risk-free.
    You keep the rest, which will always be the majority of your income. The deductions listed above will be made only when your pay is received. There are no up-front fees or hidden charges.

    At the outset, your solicitor will explain everything in detail so you know what to expect if your claim is successful.

    You pay no one if you do not win your no win no fee claim. That’s all there is to it.
    Your no win no fee solicitor may need to take up a particular legal protection insurance policy for you at the start of the claim. It covers the costs of a failed claim and assures that claiming is risk-free. Insurance must always be in place in case this occurs.

    They will do this if you do not have a current legal protection policy with adequate coverage. This form of legal protection is sometimes included with home or as a credit card perk. It’s a basic check that your no win no charge solicitor will perform when they begin working on your claim.

    Contact us

    Submit your details, and we’ll arrange a free, no-obligation callback at a time to suit you.

    (Calls Charged at Local Landline Rates)